7 Principles of Sex & Money & Power: Your Clear Guide to a Better Life
5 Star Rating
In this new bestseller, author Lucas Roy Lehman reveals his life-changing concept of personal power and provides an eye-opening analysis of the impacts that our current cultural mindsets have in disempowering us.
The experience of who you’re being, moment by moment, creates your life. When you accept that the LIFE you have right now is the manifestation of WHO you’re being right now… then you begin increasing your potential for personal power.
A fulfilling life comes through the alignment of your values, your spirit, and your higher calling. That alignment informs and directs what you do, with ease. That’s personal power.
Discover and expand YOUR personal power TODAY! Get this book NOW!
“Lucas’ wide range of experience as a sexuality educator, entrepreneur, artist, and neurotransformational coach provide deep source material for his wisdom and boldness. Don’t read this book unless you’re ready for more Sex and Money and Power!”
“An insightful and accessible manual that inspires us to become more conscious and alive. In 7 Principles of Sex & Money & Power, Lucas brings his wisdom, authenticity and experience, providing a guide for embracing practices that increase our curiosity and our capacity for authentic change.”
“Author Lucas Lehman has hit on a little discussed topic of realizing one’s true personal power. Many suffer with the attempt of attaining it as well as finding any comfort level with having it. Without developing a healthy set of principals to own your personal power you can remain disempowered, never reaching your potential. This is a wonderful book that gives you real working solutions to gain self-acceptance vs self-rejection. I love it!”
“I have had the pleasure and privilege of personally interacting with and developing a unique relationship with Lucas. He is one of those rare people who’s life seems to be a perfect balance of strong work ethic and being results oriented, while being at peace by regular practice of meditation, music, and living an active lifestyle. This book will enable you adopt this rare and not easily attainable balance.