Highs and Lows and Highs
Highs and Lows and Highs The day after my book launch—Amazon #1 bestseller thanks to you all!—I found out that I had an obscure form of skin cancer. The good news is that it’s a very slow growing kind of cancer,…
Highs and Lows and Highs The day after my book launch—Amazon #1 bestseller thanks to you all!—I found out that I had an obscure form of skin cancer. The good news is that it’s a very slow growing kind of cancer,…
Ta da! My Book Launch After 35 years as a writer—short stories, children’s stories, a novel, a novella, 5 screenplays, 100s of songs and a rock musical—today I celebrate that I am finally a published author! My new book 7…
Hope and Change Having voted in every election for the past 36 years, and having paid close attention to politics my whole life, I can honestly say it seems like more is at stake next week than ever before. Never…
Money and the Fear of Death I recently got re-certified as a Neurotransformational coach, which is all about the brain science of how you create the changes you want in your life. What has become increasingly clear is that “who”…
Why Setting Goals (MOSTLY) Doesn’t Work It’s February, the time of year when folks who made New Years’ resolutions begin to lose their New Years’ resolve. After only a month, those not-so-unreasonable goals– to lose 25 pounds, learn to play…
What Should You Do When You Don’t Know What to Do? These are uncertain times, with disruptions and upheavals in all aspects of our personal, financial, social, economic, medical, political, and climate realities. We fear how long this uncertainty will…
Is Anyone Else Feeling Like a Prisoner? Back in April, when the pandemic and Shelter-in-Place was first upon us, a friend of mine said he felt like a prisoner. Having spent eight years leading trainings in a maximum security prison,…