Lucas Roy Lehman

Highs and Lows and Highs

The day after my book launch—Amazon #1 bestseller thanks to you all!—I found out that I had an obscure form of skin cancer.  The good news is that it’s a very slow growing kind of cancer, but the bad news is that I’ve had it for over ten years!  In the immediate term it seems to be responding well to light therapy, and I’m looking forward to heading up to UCSF for more comprehensive testing after the first of the year–which I’m hopeful will indicate that I’m out of the woods and on my way to renewed health.

While getting the C-word diagnosis is always scary, the upside is that I finally have an answer to my long suffering itchiness, and also—ah, mortality!– a significant boost to my ability to savor the present and appreciate the preciousness of each moment. 

You all know that I’m passionate about living life all out, taking risks and going after my dreams (and sometimes falling on my face in the process).  But the auspicious timing of my book launch and the cancer diagnosis made me realize that one place where I had been playing it safe was in my business, particularly my basic speaker presentation. 

When speaking in the past, I had always been torn between what I wanted to share with my audiences (an experience of transformation) and what I felt I was supposed to do (focus on the sales I wanted to get by creating the need for the transformation that I had to offer).  If you just give the thing away, the experts say, there’s no need for people to invest in your services.

Well, just the other day I gave my first talk with my new all in/all out approach—and I played my guitar and got everyone in the room to sing with me! Most importantly, I felt great giving my gift and being in my power.

If you would like to give the gift of being in your power this holiday season, please considered gifting a copy or two of my book 7 Principles of Sex & Money & Power to someone you know!  I’m keeping the special intro pricing of $.99 for Kindle and $7.99 for paperback through the end of the year to make it easy.  Just click on the link below!

Happy Holidays!

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